Part 2
Update 02: Rescue and Retribution
Intro Movie: YouTube DailyMotion
Mission: YouTube DailyMotion Part 1 DailyMotion Part 2
In this episode we encountered Kane. He's one of the two main antagonists of the Tiberium series. (The other one is Tiberium itself, but I'm saving that talk for another time.)

Kane is the leader of the Brotherhood of Nod. He's brilliant, charismatic, obnoxiously durable, and quite fond of Biblical references. He is known to be Nod's leader from the First Tiberium War (199X) to the end of the Fourth War (2077). When the First War began, Kane got many of the poor nations of the world on his side by promising liberation. Essentially, his message was "join Nod and take advantage of your Tiberium and you'll never again be owned by the First World!" This is the message of Nod propaganda for the first three games: GDI protects the interests of rich, privileged assholes, while Nod soldiers are the downtrodden who are rising up to take what is rightfully theirs. Renegade only touches on this in mission 2 and spends the rest of the game showing Kane as he's portrayed in Tiberian Sun: as a trans-humanist obsessed with using Tiberium as a mutagen.
What is Kane? You think he's just a weird dude with a goatee but there are two very odd things about him: His apparent agelessness and his unwillingness to die and stay dead. Kane doesn't age over the course of the series, which is remarkable enough. On top of that, Nod itself claims that Kane founded the Brotherhood in 1800 B.C., which would make Kane thousands of years old. Some go even further and say that Kane is the Biblical Cain, cursed by God to wander the Earth for eternity. On the other hand, more skeptical types believe Kane ages slowly because he responds well to Tiberium. (This would make him the only dude ever who doesn't turn into some sort of hideous monster when exposed to the stuff. No wonder he likes it.) Meanwhile, he doesn't die of unnatural causes either: He "dies" at the end of Tiberium Dawn, either due to falling rubble or incineration by ion cannon. He also gets shot several times and impaled on a rather large piece of debris at the end of Tiberian Sun. No matter what, after a decade or three, he shows up again and seems to be mostly okay, if a bit more deranged each time.
Reference: Kane's Dossier
A handful of new weapons and units were introduced in this episode, but not all of them got the attention they deserved.

Health and armor augmentations permanently increase maximum health or armor by 5. There are several of each scattered throughout the game but most are hidden. Some require you to complete bonus objectives, some of which are themselves hidden.

The Rocket Launcher dumb-fires rockets. They're great for smashing vehicles, aircraft, and weaker structures from a distance. The launcher can hold six rockets at a time and can fire them in quick succession if you're into that sort of thing.
You may have noticed that I grabbed a couple of rocket launchers at the end of mission one. That's very important because no rocket launchers appear in mission two. If you don't have rockets, taking out the harvester or buggy necessitates careful use of C4.

The Chain Gun is an upgrade of sorts over the Automatic Rifle. It fires lots of bullets that are great at killing infantry. It also deals respectable damage to lighter vehicles and to aircraft. It has surprising accuracy over long distances. It's a good all-around weapon for several missions.

The Flamethrower spits a stream of flame over a distance. It's very damaging and stunlocks enemies that are vulnerable to fire. It devastates lightly-armored structures and is an alternative to C4 in such cases. It has three downsides: It consumes fuel very quickly, has little effect on flame infantry, and is not safe to use on vehicles that can fight back.